Thursday, March 10, 2011

Adventures with Jacquard, Part 1

I thought it would be awesome to learn how to use the Jacquard loom before graduating and since I only have one woven piece in my portfolio it wouldn't hurt to weave something else. So I took my damask design and prepared it to be woven with the help of Deborah First, one of my awesome professors.

It is 12:20am on Friday March 11. I'm taking a much deserved break to tell you about today's adventure....

Meet Jacquard. My friend (or enemy) for the next two days. I started at about 10:30am on thursday.

I took a lunch break and then maybe around 2pm I realized that the whole time I had started with the wrong color so my background was brown and the design was gold, when I had designed it the other way around. Just totally missed it! So... I decided to start all over... So here you see the real design coming along above my mistake.

Eventually, around 12:10 am the next morning (I took a couple of breaks) I hit the 1000 pick mark! only 820 more to go. So it took about 6 hours to get to the halfway point... I think... I kinda lost track of time.

Close up detail.

So that was day one of my adventures with Jacquard. I am tired and my shoulders hurt. I am daydreaming of a massage, but unfortunately that is not an option. I must get back to work.


  1. ta tuani como haces los diseƱos ahi????

  2. I don't know how that works, but it's tight. Kinda cool that you have the matching color set.
