Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Screen printing Newbie

               I am taking a screen printing course this quarter. Finally! In the last few days I finished my first yardage in repeat. I chose one of my designs that is repeated very tightly and I decided to use 3 colors. A little difficult for my first time, but sometimes I like to dive in head first when I do something new. I arrived at the screen printing lab in Pepe Hall at 11am on Saturday. After preparing everything, mixing colors, and having to re-burn a screen that presented problems, I finally began printing around 2pm. I left the building for a very short dinner break and then got back to work. I unfortunately had to leave the building at midnight (closing time) with the fabric almost finished. So, I was finally able to finish the project today in class. Not too shabby for my first time :)


  1. SOOOOOO COOOLLL!! Nice job Brendita!!!

  2. Brenda! I love seeing the process of the print that you showed me! So beautiful, just like the talented artist who made it!

  3. I really wish I took a screen printing class while at SCAD. DAAAAAANG, looks good.
